• February 16, 2025

Nicolas Rodriguez

Nicolas Rodriguez

Nicolas Rodriguez studied Informatics at the university Bordeaux I, France in the LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique) where he got a Master in Software Engineering. He then worked for 3 years in Lion Bioscience AG in Heidelberg, Germany before joining the European Bioinformatics Institue(EBI) in Cambridge, UK, in 2004. There he worked on many SBML related projects, he is the main developer of SBMLeditor, the System Biology Format Converter framework (SBFC), and JSBML. He is also participating on other projects like the development of Biomodels Database.

Nicolas is currently working in the group of Dr. Nicolas Le Novère in the Babraham Institute and doing some collaboration with the Biomodels.net team at the EBI. He is continuing to work on the same projects as in EBI as well as providing software development support for the researchers in Babraham.