• January 19, 2025


Members of the lab

Current members
Nicolas Le NovereNicolas Le Novère’s research interests revolved around signal transduction, in particular in neurons. He tried to understand them using computational models and omics data analysis. Besides his neurobiological-oriented research, Le Novère developed resources for systems biology, for instance standards like SBML, SBGN, SBO or databases like BioModels Database.

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  • Alumni
    Ishan AjmeraIshan Ajmera, 2011, summer intern. Ishan worked as a curator of BioModels, focusing in particular on models of Diabetes. Now (2017) Postdoctoral fellow at University of Nottingham. UK
    Benedetta Frida BaldiBenedetta Frida Baldi, 2009-2015 PhD student. Worked on single cell simulations of post-synaptic assemblies. Now (2017) Post-doc, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, https://uk.linkedin.com/in/benedetta-frida-baldi-5840898
    Duncan BerenguierDuncan Berenguier, 2008, summer intern. Duncan developed the first version of the SBML Qual package. Now (2012) PhD student at the University of Marseille, FR
    Sven_Bergmann-150×150.jpg.jpgSven Bergmann. 2013-2018, visitor. Now (2018), professor, University of Lausanne, CH.
    Denis BrunDenis Brun, 2011, summer intern. Denis developed the first hemi-concerted model of Calmodulin. Now (2017) Software Engineer at Air France-KLM
    Finja BuechelFinja Büchel (Wrzodek), 2011, software developer. Finja worked on Path2Models. Now (2017) Senior IT consultant bei MaibornWolff GmbH, DE
    Stephen ColeStephen Cole, 2017, was an Amgen Scholar working on the transduction of calcium signals by allosteric proteins. Now (2017) student at the University of Cambridge, UK
  • Mélanie CourtotMélanie Courtot, 2004-2006, software developer. Melanie worked on the European project E-MeP. She also developed the Systems Biology Ontology. Now (2017) GO/GA4GH project leader, EMBL-EBI, UK
    Piero Dalle PezzePiero Dalle Pezze, 2015-2018, was a postdoctoral researcher working on mathematical models of the early steps of autophagosome formation in autophagy and software pipelines for model parameter estimation and simulation. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pdallepezze .
    Simon DelagneauSimon Delagneau 2014, summer intern. Simon developed single particle simulations of RNA transcription and diffusion. Now (2019), Software Engineer at Gfi Informatique
  • Agathe DelauneAgathe Delaune, 2017, MSc intern from the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris). Agathe was working on the reconstruction the genetic core regulatory network deciding if an epicardial cell becomes a cardiac fibroblast or a coronary smooth muscle cell. Now (2019), Bioinformatician at GenoSplice technology.
  • Marie-Ange DjiteMarie-Ange Djite, 2004, summer interm. Marie-Ange worked on the Ligand-Gated Ion Channel database. Now (2012) unknown position
    Koray Dogan KayaKoray Doğan Kaya, 2008, Marie Curie visiting PhD. Koray analyses microarray data. Now (2017) Research fellow at NIH-NEI, USA
    Marco DonizelliMarco Donizelli, 2003-2005, Software engineer. Marco developed the first released version of BioModels, among many other things. Now (2017) CEO Bonk consulting AS, Norway.
    Marine DumousseauMarine Dumousseau (Sivade), 2009, summer intern and software developer. Marine developed MELTING v5. Now (2019) Software architext at Woonoz, FR
    Ranjita Dutta-RoyRanjita Dutta Roy, 2008, summer intern. Ranjita developed an allosteric model of AMPA receptor. Now (2019) Substitute Mathematics and Science Teacher, SE
    Stuart_Edelstein-150×150-2.jpg, 2007-2017, was a visiting professor in the group, working on mathematical modelling of allosteric calcium sensors. Now (2017), professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Emeritus Professor at the University of Geneva, and CSO of Scipio Bioscience. For more details, see his University of Geneva web site: http://www.unige.ch/sciences/biochimie/Edelstein/SJE.html
  • Lukas EndlerLukas Endler, 2008-2011, curator of BioModels. Now (2017) Bioinformatician, University of Vienna, AT
    Eric FernandezÉric Fernandez, 2004-2006, postdoctoral fellow. Éric developed models of signalling in striatal neurons. Now (2019), pharmacometrician at Boerhinger-Ingelheim, Germany
    Martina FroehlichMartina Fröhlich, 2012-2015, postdoctoral fellow. Now (2017) postdoc at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), DE.
    Mihai GlontMihai Glont, 2012-2014, software developer. Mihai developed a new software infrastructure for BioModels and worked for the DDMoRe project. Now (2017) software developer at EMBL-EBI.
    John_Gowers-150×150.jpgJohn Gowers. 2013 summer intern. John extended the capabilities of MELTING v5. Now (2013) studying mathematics at the University of Cambridge.
    Janna HastingsJanna Hastings. 2015-2018, PhD student. Now (2018), PhD student, Babraham Institute, UK. https://www.linkedin.com/in/janna-hastings-4282981a/
    Enuo HeEnuo He, 2006, BioModels database curator. Now (2017) Strategy and operation lead, GSK, SG
    Ron HenkelRon Henkel, 2009, visiting PhD. Ron developed a semantic search system for BioModels. Now (2017) Scientific programmer at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, DE
    Arnaud HenryArnaud Henry, 2006, summer intern. Arnaud developed the first SBML to BioPAX translator. Now (2019) Expert Métier, Groupe PSIH, FR
    Noriko HiroiNoriko Hiroi, 2008, postdoctoral fellow. Noriko worked on trkB signalling in synaptic plasticity. Now (2017) Researcher, at the University of Tokyo, JP
    Gael JalowickiGael Jalowicki, 2011, summer intern. Gael developed an SBML to SBGN-ML converter. Now (2013) PhD student University College Dublin
    Marija_Jankovic-150×150.jpgMarija Jankovic, 2013, summer intern. Marija worked on a model of phosphoinositide signalling. Now (2017) Physicist at Imperial College London, UK https://www.linkedin.com/in/marija-jankovic-b1300b25/
    Nick JutyNick Juty, 2008-2014, database curator (Identifiers.org registry) and Systems Biology Ontology developer. Now (2016), database curator and ontology developer at EMBL-EBI.
    Sarah KeatingSarah Keating, 2009-2014, software developer. Sarah was the main developer behind libSBML and several of SBML core tools. Now (2014) software developer at EMBL-EBI.
    Vladimir KiselevVladimir Kiselev , 2011-2015, postdoctoral fellow. Vladimir analysed the effects of PI3K signalling on the transcriptional landscape of cell lines. Now (2017), postdoctoral fellow at the Sanger Institute, UK
    Vincent Knight SchrijverVincent Knight Schrijver. 2014-2018, PhD student. Now (2018) post-doc, University of Cambridge, UK
    Christian KnuepferChristian Knüpfer, 2007, Marie Curie visiting PhD. Christian developed the Terminology for the Description of Dynamics. Now (2012) PhD student at the University of Jena, DE
    Varun Kothamachu, 2016-2017 was curator for BioModels and SBO. Now (2017), post-doc at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Massimo LaiMassimo Lai, 2011-2015, post-doc. Massimo developed models to understand how calmodulin interprets calcium signals. Now (2017) Computational biologist Certara. https://www.linkedin.com/in/massimo-lai-482b871a/
  • More
  • Camille LaibeCamille Laibe, 2007-2014. Camille developed the MIRIAM registry, further developed BioModels, the webservices behing BioModels, SBO and MIRIAM registry. Now (2017) Project manager at ARM, UK. https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillelaibe/
    Hoa LeHoa Le, 2014, summer intern. Now (2019) Lead data scientist at NextSmarty
  • Adrien LeroyAdrien Leroy. 2018, summer intern.
    Chen LiChen Li, 2005-2008, software Engineer. Chen developed BioModels and the related webservices. Now (2017), Computer Scientist at the University of Cambridge, UK and Xi’an Jiaotong University, CN
    Catherine LloydCatherine Lloyd, 2010, visiting scientist. Catherine worked as a curator the Physiome Model Repository. Now (2017), HR Project Manager at CeMM, AT
    David P. MarshallDavid P. Marshall, 2007, summer intern. David worked on molecular modelling and dynamics simulations of CamKII-calmodulin complexes. Now (2019) Lead data scientist at Bloom and Wild, UK.
    Lucas_Marmiesse-150×150.pngLucas Marmiesse, 2015, visiting PhD student. Lucas developped hybrid models of embryonic stem cells, including logic rules and FBA. Now (2019) CTO iMEAN biotech, FR
  • Michele MattioniMichele Mattioni, 2007-2012, PhD student and post-doc. Michele developed a whole cell model of a striatal neuron, including electrophysiological and biochemical activity. Now (2017) Scientific Project Manager, Seven Bridges, UK
    Antonia MayerAntonia Mayer, 2007, curator of the Ligand-Gated Ion Channel database. Now (2013) sequence bioinformatics Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, UK
    Daniel McGrealDaniel McGreal, 2006-2008, database engineer. Now (2017) Systems architect at RedBite Solutions, UK. https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mcgreal-511654b3/
    Florian MittagFlorian Mittag, 2011, software developer. Florian worked on the Path2Models project. Now (2012) PhD student at the University of Tuebingen, DE
    Stuart MoodieStuart Moodie, 2011-2013, developer. Stuart worked on the DDMoRe project. Now (2017) freelance developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuart-moodie-1b0427/
    Kedar Nath NatarajanKedar Nath Natarajan, 2008, summer intern. Kedar worked on the Systems Biology Format converter. Now (2017) Postdoctoral fellow at Sanger Institute and EMBL-EBI, UK
    Katrina NeiburgaKatrina Neiburga, 2016, summer intern. Katrina worked on gene network inference from translated mRNA data. Now (2019) Student, University of Latvia
  • An NguyenAn Nguyen, 2015-2018, was a postdoctoral bioinformatician analysing lipid signalling and metabolic pathway in human bronchial epithelial cells infected with rhinoviruses.
    Anika OellrichAnika Oellrich, 2007, summer intern. Anika worked on the SBML Multi package. Now (2019) Senior Data Scientist, Ministry of housing, communities and local government, UK https://www.linkedin.com/in/anika-oellrich-11350b66/
    Ioana OlanIoana Olan, 2014, summer intern. Ioana worked on DNA methylation regulating the differentiation into ES and TS cells. Now (2017) PhD student at the University of Cambridge https://www.linkedin.com/in/ioana-olan-32994a35/
    Krutik PatelKrutik Patel, 2016, summer intern. Krutik worked on single cell RNA-seq. Now (2017) PhD student at Newcastle University.
  • Juliette PearceJuliette Pearce. 2016-2018, PhD student. Now (2018), PhD student, Babraham Institute, UK.
  • Jean-Baptiste PettitJean-Baptiste Pettit, 2010, summer intern. Jean-Baptiste developed the core infrastructure of the Systems Biology Format Converter. Now (2017) Data Scientist at Teads.tv
    Pinar PirPınar Pir, 2013-2015 was a post-doc developing models of lipid signalling and stem cell differentiation.
    Nicolas RodriguezNicolas Rodriguez. 2004-2018, Software developer. Now (2018), research assistant, Babraham Institute, UK
    Renaud SchiappaRenaud Schiappa, 2006, summer intern. Renaud worked on models of signalling in striatal neurons. Now (2017) Data Manager chez Centre Antoine Lacassagne, FR https://www.linkedin.com/in/renaud-schiappa-b450aa20/
    Michael SchubertMichael Schubert, 2011, summer intern. Michael was a curator of BioModels database, focussing on Blood clotting. He also worked on the Path2Models project. Now (2019) Research Associate, University of Groningen, NL
  • Derya SebukhanDerya Sebukhan, 2017, MSc intern. Derya worked on single cell RNA-seq of cardiac stem cells, in particular on differentiation lineages. Now (2017) Bioinformatician at the Institute du Cerveau et de la Moelle, FR.
  • Christine SeeligerChristine Seeliger, 2009-2014, PhD student. Christine developed spatial models of PIP3 signalling. Now (2019) Data Scientist at Hyper Anna, AU https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-seeliger-ba79a671/
    Nathan SkeneNathan Skene, 2011, visiting PhD. Nathan worked on the inference of signalling networks from phenotypic screen. Now (2019) Fellow at Imperial College, UK
    Melanie_Stefan-150×150.jpgMelanie I Stefan, 2005-2010, PhD student and postdoc. Melanie developed computational models to understand the impact of calmodulin-mediated calcium signalling on synaptic plasticity. Now (2017) Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, UK
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/melanie-stefan-88890b53/
  • Manusnan SuriyalakshManusnan Suriyalaksh. 2016-2018, PhD student. Now (2018), PhD student, Babraham Institute, UK.
  • Maciej SwatMaciej Swat, 2011-2014, software developer. Maciej worked on the DDMoRe project. Now (2017) Principal Scientist at Simcyp, UK
    Grigalius_Taujanska-150×150.jpgGrigalius Taujanska, 2013, Summer intern. Grigalius developed computational models of canonical autophagy. Now (2014) mathematics undergraduate at Cambridge University.
    Karim TazibtKarim Tazibt, 2010, summer intern. Karim worked on the SBO browser. Now (2012) unknown position
    Dominic TolleDominic Tölle, 2005-2008, PhD student. Dominic developed a single particle simulator to understand the role of AMPA receptor diffusion in synaptic plasticity. Now (2017) IT specialist bei mgm technology partners GmbH https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominic-t%C3%B6lle-795298b2/
    Letizia VestitoLetizia Vestito, 2017, was a Da Vinci ERASMUS+ intern from the University of Roma. She worked on the reconstruction the regulatory network underlying identity of subpopulations of striatal neurons. Now (2017) PhD student at University College London, UK
  • Bhupinder VirkBhupinder Virk, 2015-2016, developed training material for epigenetics and systems biology. Now (2017) postdoctoral fellow at The Babraham Institute.
  • Dagmar WaltemathDagmar Waltemath(Koehn), 2007, Marie Curie visiting PhD. Dagmar developed the MIASE guidelines, the SED-ML format and the Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology. Now (2019) Professor at the University of Greifswald, DE
    Sarala WimalaratneSarala Wimalaratne, 2011-2014, software developer. Sarala developed the Identifiers.org URI resolver. Now (2017) software developer at EMBL-EBI, UK
    Youwei ZhengYouwei Zheng, 2011, visiting student. Now (2013) visitor Northwestern University, USA
    Junmei ZhuJunmei Zhu, 2010-2011, post-doc. Junmei was building maps of synaptic signalling pathways. She tragically passed away in 2011.
    Anna ZhukovaAnna Zhukova, 2011, summer intern. Anna further developed KiSAO, TEDDy and latter the Mathematical Modelling Ontology. Now (2019) Research Engineer at Pasteur Institute, FR
    Yangyang ZhaoYangyang Zhao, 2012, summer intern. Yangyang worked on BioModels. Now (2017) PhD student at McGill University, CA
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhao-yangyang-98126114/
  • Simone_Zorzan-150×150.jpgSimone Zorzan, 2013, visiting scientist. Simone worked on gene and protein networks involved in Alzheimer’s Disease. Now (2017) Research Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology.
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-zorzan-a788b02a/